{after dinner with friends. more pics here.}
Yes, it's been awhile since I've written anything on here. It's been busy! I also got to deal with a bit of internet drama in the last few days. Yep, someone found my flickr pics and gave me a lashing. I usually don't think twice about those, but someone who apparently knows me has done this. I only wish those people would come to me directly if they have such a problem with me. Oh, internet...I have this vile relationship with thee. Sometimes you are kind and other times you give me a slap in the face. Well, it's what you get when you put yourself out there like I have. And it really should come to no surprise. It is SO EASY to judge another simply by pictures they post or little things they write. According to my stalker, I write too much about my hair and sewing. Well, if you guys ever get tired of reading about my hair or my sewing, please let me know. Or better yet, just ignore me. I swear I won't take offense. For all I know, I'm the only person who reads what I write on here. Dude, I don't even care if others read my stuff or even look at my pictures! I've found a lot of inspiration for my daily life through other people's photographs and the stuff people write on their blogs brings me joy. I write on here to give back, in a way. I do it to connect. That doesn't mean I don't have friends outside the computer screen. I may not have much of a life and spend most my days either sewing, watching old movies or dreaming about my garden. I will hang out with friends on occasion and yeah, I do interact with real live humans, even though it may look like through my flickr photo stream that all I do is take pictures of my hair and the clothes I sew. Anyways, just wanting to let you know that the pictures I post and the things I choose to write about on my blog are only a tiny portion of who I really am. It takes a lot to truly know someone and I've learned it does no good to judge. But that's my opinion and it sure is a free country we live in so with that said, feel free to take everything I say with a grain of salt. :)
Now off to the weekend! I'm heading out where there is no electricity, no phones, no internet, no cars and lots of music 'round the fire, lots of laughs and loads and loads of good times with amazing friends. I'll be back here with more pictures of my hair and sewing talk on my return. *wink*
Hey, maybe you remember me from LJ? Anyway, it's your blog. Write about what interests you. If someone doesn't like posts about your hair or sewing, they don't have to read. I hate when people think they are entitled to something, when they really don't and shouldn't control how and what you post. Anyway, don't let it get you down. I still enjoy your blog. :-)
ReplyDeletehi! i just recently found your blog and enjoy stopping by to see what's going on (especially since i live in iowa, too.) but anyway, i just read a post on another blog that you should check out
you're not alone:)
It seems that you're not the only one who has been going through this type of thing; I've been reading about a lot of other bloggers dealing with "haters" right now. Must be the spring weather or something? Anyway, don't let them get you down! You are most certainly not the only one who reads your blog (I do--although I'm an awful commenter!). ;) And anyways: the internet does not dictate you have to read a blog if you don't like it! There are millions of blogs I've passed over because they don't interest me for whatever reason.
ReplyDeleteSo keep up your blogging, Anna! :D
Hey I think you should write about whatever you want to! I haven't blogged lately because I'm not sure how to work in all the pieces of my life and what I want to share. So keep sewing and whatever else you want to do and don't let the haters get you down :)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewell I like seeing your sewing projects. Brings a little color and sophistication into my very uniform life. And your hair is quite pretty, so I never mind seeing those photos either.
ReplyDeleteYou're my hair style and fashion muse. Thanks for writing about your hair and your clothes.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry you had an unpleasant experience! People on the net can be just awful. I don't comment too often but I LOVE your blog and I love hearing about your hair and sewing projects. You inspire me so much!
ReplyDeleteI too have had things like this happen. I think the reason people act like this is because they are jealous of something or the other!
I <3 your blog, Anna. I've been reading it for quite a while and I love the back-to-basics feel to it. It's very comforting in this chaotic world.
ReplyDeleteWhen people complain about the stuff I write about in my blog, I give them a link to blogger and tell them to start their own damn blog. ;-)
'Great writing, Anna. Keep it up.
Oh dear, I'm sorry you had to deal with unpleasant things, I can't imagine why anyone would find fault with your lovely blog, it's so tasteful and calm and you share such wonderful things!
ReplyDeleteI think what you said "the things I choose to write about on my blog are only a tiny portion of who I really am." is really important for everyone to remember when reading any blog.
Many kind thoughts sent your way from my little corner of the forest!:)
I've been a silent (so far) follower of your blog and I love it! Its your blog and you should write about anything that pleases you and makes you happy. Just ignore the negativity - its not worth your energy or time. Keep blogging! I come here often and missed you all of last week.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing wrong with your blog. You're being true to yourself and to the interest that you WANT to share on the internet. It's the internet for crying out loud! What are you supposed to be blogging about?
ReplyDeleteThis person's life must be pretty dull for all of the time and energy he or she is putting into these attempts to hurt your feelings. So much energy wasted on nothing.
some people never learned"if you have nothing nice to say,dont say anything"it is not being politically correct it is called manners.i think alot of the modern populous missed the manners boat.i love your blog.keep the love coming.
ReplyDeleteThat's so funny that they think you write too much about your sewing...that is what you do for a living and your passion. I love reading your posts and especially seeing pictures of your reproduction clothing. Keep doing what you're doing! :)
ReplyDeleteHey Anna....love your photos! Especially the one where you are sitting down.....beautiful lighting!
ReplyDeleteI love historic villages!
I hate when things like that happen. It hurts, and well just keep on keepin on. You're the sweetest most genuine and honest person I know. You're truly beautiful in every way. Lots of love.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work! I think your blog is very inspiring.