Hope everyone had a lovely weekend anyway! Mine was nice. Sundays are always so rejuvenating. Someday maybe I'll write about my Sundays a little more in detail. Tonight is Jane Austen. Last night was Wait Until Dark. Night before was R.G. Books and a bottle of Heineken and a very very late night movie at the theater. (We watched Atonement. Was better than I thought, but not something I'd watch again. Filmed beautifully, but otherwise slow and kinda boring at parts. Plus I hate Kiera Knightley. I think she's a bad actress, but that's just my humble opinion...ehem.)
That's my weekend in a nutshell. More like my Friday and Saturday nights. Otherwise I couldn't tell you what I accomplished during the day. Oh wait, I made myself a plaid top using a 1950's pattern. Only it's not quite finished yet and I'm not sure I will like it. Ooohh and I got a bunch of fabric on my way home today. Bad idea to stop and "pick up a FEW things." I made the mistake of checking out the remnant table which was all on sale 50% off today only. Bad Anna. Bad. But now I have some freakishly awesome denim (which really doesn't look like your typical denim - thus why it's freakishly awesome) that I plan to use to make a sort of 1930s styled wide leg pants. Only I can't decide if I want them long or short. Anyways, they'll have cuffs and maybe even tucks (which will be top stitched) at the waist. Hm...more to think about on that. Then I got some awesome patterned fabric that will most likely be turned into tote bags either for friends or to bring along for shopping purposes. I think I love fabric. a lot.
Ok. Enough rambling for tonight. If you're watching the Super Bowl, have fun with that. I, on the other hand, will be watching Jane Austen and enjoying every minute of it. And no, I do not feel guilty about that. Later toots.
1. Pip-Squeak Chapeau Inspired Neck Warmer Pattern by Me!, 2. Untitled, 3. Carrying on, 4. campers dancing to wireless music 1939, 5. Window, 6. notebook, 7. the alphabet, 8. My first! Thank you Christina!, 9. something i tryed out., 10. something I tryed out., 11. Looking fabulous, 12. Colour Splash, 13. finally, i shipped it, 14. remainings, 15. Untitled, 16. a foggy day, 17. Me and Myrna Loy :), 18. No Known Restrictions: Tap Dancing Class in Ames, Iowa by Jack Delano, 1942 (LOC), 19. making stuff, 20. Sia's walk in closet, 21. café lef in amsterdam, 22. IMG_3452, 23. backlog, 24. liberty print and selvedge ordered from purl soho, 25. ISBN4-579-11025-0, 26. ISBN4-579-11025-0, 27. Japanese Craft Bag, 28. solovki4, 29. summer dresses, 30. zenya1, 31. ME and YOU, 32. ISBN 4277113753, 33. Untitled, 34. Untitled, 35. sou sou, 36. green & green
Wasn't Wait Until Dark phenomenal? I watched it by myself when everyone else had gone to bed and it scared the bejesus out of me :) Gotta love Audrey.
ReplyDeleteI managed to watch both :)
ReplyDeleteI liked "Once" okay--the best part was that they didn't get together. She was a much better singer than he was. A lot of his stuff sounded the same. It's up for Oscar's for best song.
I just want to live closer to you .. so we can sew together once in a while .. and I can show you stuff .. and you can show me stuff ..
I love fabric too.
I'm glad someone can confirm my suspiscions about Atonement (and I can have no regrets about not watching it!). What did you think of Miss Austen Regrets? It was soo much better than I expected, and sooo much better than Becoming Jane, I thought!