I've decided for the second time that I really do dislike most hairstylists. Got that antsy feeling again and had to go get a haircut. I got it trimmed and what I really wanted was some bangs, but not super short bangs. Just enough to have a change without compromising the length of my hair, which I am still trying to grow out. argggg....What I got wasn't really much different from what I originally had and I felt like I had to pull teeth in order for her to understand what I wanted. I really don't know of any good hairstylists around here, so I decided to go to Supercuts, or was it Cost Cutters? Really doesn't make a difference. Both places suck. Every hairstylist I've gone to, whether they charge $30 or $40 for a haircut or only $14, they never really grasp what it is I want. So I end up having to do my own fixes when I get home. She did trim it up and that's what I wanted, but I asked for longish bangs and she didn't really give me much at all. I still came out with hair that looks just plain blah. But it's good I got someone to help out, because it's so hard to cut my back hair myself. I ended up cutting my bangs a bit to frame my face and it also gives me that look I'm going for...whatever that is. I think this should last me hopefully at least six months before I need something else done to it. Seems like a long time, but it's short compared to the years I used to go without getting haircuts. And besides, I sorta like that jagged "messy" look. Think natural. :) It's the look NO hairstylist I've found can understand. All they want to do is blow dry your hair out straight as a board and then add blonde highlights. There is NO way I'm getting my hair highlighted. I think it looks tacky and cheap. So I've got at least six months to find a place who really understands hair. Too bad I don't live in Canada or else I'd
check out Pome. Anyone out there know of a good hairstylist like this in Cedar Rapids, Iowa City or even the Des Moines area?

In other news I'm getting excited about knitting again. I tend to take a break when it gets warm out, but now that the weather is *slightly* changing, I'm really getting into it. I've got a ton of projects planned and purchased a bunch of wool yarn. Right now I'm mostly planning to make some mid 19th century garments, but I'm also looking forward to starting on a few modern things. I just recently got that
Twinkle's Big City Knits book, which looks fabulous. Can't wait to get started on a few of those sweaters. I really like
this sweater I found on flickr which is from the Twinkle book. And I especially love it in the grey color she chose to make it in. The
tuxedo jacket would be cool to make as well, only I can't decide which one to make first.
I LOVE these knitted stockings I found on a random blog. I believe the pattern is from Rowan magazine #40 and get this, they're called "Anna Socks." So yeah...totally me! Only by the time I actually made them it would be summer again.
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