I am bursting to the seams with ideas today! I've been doing lots of scheming lately. It has a little something to do with fabrics and old-fashioned appeal. {You are probably wondering what on earth that means.} I won't say anything just yet because I've learned that my mind changes quite frequently and we wouldn't want anyone to think I was flighty, now would we? ;-) So I will leave you with a few pictures that are making me grateful for the change of seasons. Yes, I am finally happy it's getting cold outside!
{Also! If you haven't already seen Abby's shop, you should go take a look. Her photographs are so inspiring. And if you haven't been to her blog, check that out as well. You won't regret it.}
Ooohhh! I can't wait to hear more about 'fabrics and old-fashioned appeal'...sounds interesting! :) Hope you're having a lovely fall!