I cannot believe summer will ever end. But it's already August and soon it will be September. Kids are getting ready to go back to school, friends are getting married, people are growing and changing.
I'm changing. I think sometimes I wish time would stand still. Nothing changing. I wish I could choose how long summer would be. Maybe a year. Maybe two years. I do like autumn weather and all that, mostly because of the clothing. But I will miss my summer frocks a little more than I look forward to my flannel shirts and cigarette pants. And knitting, I guess I am looking forward to that!
Summer always goes by so fast. I'm trying to soak up as much as I can. I've been tired lately and I think I'm coming down with something. Hopefully it will go away. Yesterday I finished a project, rushed around to the post office and bank, then came home and spent a full hour just lounging on the porch reading
my book. It was a hot day and the sun was beating down from the end of the porch where I was lying. But I didn't care. I was soaking up the last bits of the summer heat and sweat and sunburn. I don't get to do that often, but I'm learning I need to start making time for that. Maybe another trip to the lake is in order! Yes, it definitely is.
Hope you are all enjoying a beautiful summer!