having a wonderful time


spring break at palisades
spring break at palisades
spring break at kent park
spring break at kent park
spring break at kent park

So far our spring break has been pretty fantastic. Seeing some of our friends, hanging out with family, and revisiting our favorite spots. And the weather! Perfection!

More photos here.

spring break


a little bread and jam
new things

I know it has been quiet around here lately, but I've been busy working on my spring summer collection in time for spring break. We are heading back to Iowa this weekend and I hope to get in a photo shoot with my brother. I didn't have time to make all that I wanted with the fabric I got, but I will probably make some new pieces throughout the spring/summer months. But I am happy with the items I did make! I was half toying with the idea of just packing the outfits and wear them myself all week, but I think I'll save them. Maybe I'll steal one of the tops, though. :)

The weather is starting to feel like spring! I think it finally is here to stay. The forecast all week looks like it will be in the 70's. Hopefully I packed appropriate clothing to wear on our trip. It seems I always pack the wrong thing! Anyway, both Jed and I really need a break from all the work we've been doing (especially Jed)! We have a whole bunch of things planned for the week. I just hope we can fit everything in! Enjoy the weather everyone! xo

jed's 26th birthday!


jed's 26th birthday!
jed's 26th birthday!
jed's 26th birthday!
jed's 26th birthday!

It's been pretty hectic around here, as usual! But we are almost ready for spring break in a couple of weeks. I have a lot of pictures to share, but I'll start with Jed's birthday. I made him cherry 'cup pies' (inspired by Pushing Daisies) and we ordered pizza. The day was pretty fantastic! I just love birthdays! And boy am I glad for Jed's. : )