Yesterday I started on a wool tunic from one of the Built-by-Wendy patterns (#3964). I have decided my winter wardrobe is lacking (yes, still lacking) and a wool tunic would come in handy. I used some navy wool flannel left over from another project. It's the first time I have used this particular pattern, so I will probably end up changing the style a bit for future projects. I have a couple more tunics in mind once I get the time to sew them up. This one I followed the pattern pretty closely, except I made the opening in the front instead of the back and used the sleeve pattern from pattern #4111 (also made a few changes to that, such as not add elastic to the lower edge and turn the hem up to make a wide cuff and shorter sleeve). I'm debating whether or not I should make a collar like this one by Jenny from Wiksten-Made. It's super cute, so I think I may just go for that style. While I was trying on the tunic, I noticed how dull and drab it was. So a few things got my mind thinking. First, this picture I found on one of the blogs I read daily (it's most inspiring!), port2port. (flickr)

I love love love that shirt. I'm a redhead too and I've heard redheads can't wear red, but she looks fantastic in this shirt! But what really caught my eye was the print. It looks almost as if someone took a marker and drew this design all over the fabric. I think it's marvelous! Of course it was more likely screen printed, but it gave me an idea for my tunic. I decided for the tunic I'm making now, it might take quite awhile to do this design, so...that's when I came upon this:

I found it through Smosch's (yet another fabulous blog) flickr page. Then I thought...what if I made a stencil out of this and put it on the bottom/side of my tunic? I could stencil it in white. That would add a little something. I haven't done it yet, so my mind could always change on that one. But I kinda like it. While we're on the topic of tunics, I love this plaid tunic from Impulse Seattle:

In other fashiony news, yesterday I was on a hunt (like most days...) for a pair of boots. Sometimes I know exactly what I want and other times I have an idea in my head, but I can't pinpoint the style exactly. And then there are times that idea in my head is just that; an idea and not a realistic one! My friend in St. Louis had a pair of red leather boots she was wearing and said she got them years ago at LL Bean. Of course I looked there but couldn't find anything that looked like the ones she had. I didn't want a pair of flashy boots and I wanted them to be fairly comfortable. In other words, no stiletto heels or anything that I would feel too terribly dressy in. I ended up finding a pair on piperlime.com that I liked, but they were $160 and the color I wanted wasn't on sale (black was on sale for $110...still not a very large price cut). So I do what I do with anything I find online for more money than I'm willing to spend; google it. :) I ended up finding the same pair of shoes on endless.com for the grand total of $69 including overnight shipping! Can you believe that? They actually paid me $5 to ship it overnight. Awesome. I haven't gotten them yet, but I hope they show up on my door pretty soon 'cause I'm gettin' anxious over here! In the meantime, here's the picture I swiped off of piperlime.

Now I hope by getting a half size bigger, they will fit. I read that they run small. But if they're too big or too small, it's free to ship back, so there should be no worries in that department. I can't wait to wear these with wool skirts and dresses. Speaking of wool skirts, I love this simple skirt by Pip-Squeak Chapeau.

I adore how simple it is. I think I'm going to whip one up. It's the type of skirt I can see myself wearing all the time. I picked up some cream wool on a very successful thrifting trip the other week that I think I'll use. I just need to wash the wool before I cut it out. Also check out the knitted items Pip-Squeak Chapeau has to offer.

To give away what I'm making in the knitting department, look for the chunky neck warmer in the shop (in the grown-ups section). I'm pretty sure it's the same one this woman is wearing. (Image swiped from The Sartorialist.) Isn't it glorious? The moment I saw it I knew I HAD to have it for myself. Hopefully my sister isn't reading this, but she's getting one too...whether she likes it or not. :)

Also, take a look at her wonderful coat! It makes me want a big coat like that to wear for sledding trips. Not that I go sledding all that often, but if I should want to, I'd have something to wear. Technically that's just an excuse to make another coat for myself that I don't really *need*. Perhaps this will have to be on my list of projects for next winter.

I'm still working on finishing Christmas presents! I know I'm going to be crunching a bit, but that's okay. Some of my friends will be getting presents after Christmas. I've decided to make some of my friends earrings. The ones I'm wearing above I swiped for myself. I know, I'm a terrible person. But I couldn't resist. They are pretty simple to make and fun to work on while watching a movie. I got all the necessary tools at my local craft store, except I had to order those large wire earrings from a shop online because I could not for the life of me find them ANYWHERE in town. I've been picking up vintage necklaces and beads at thrift stores and antique shops, taking them apart to use for my little creations. You know it's really not as hard to come up with homemade gift ideas for Christmas presents as I initially thought. My problem is that I should have started months ago in order to make everyone a handmade gift. That will be my goal for next year. Always next year... Have a lovely weekend and a Merry Christmas!
Oh!!! Yay for new sewing projects! I can't wait to see the finished tunic on you. ;) It looks so cute! And all that inspiration... *drool*
ReplyDeleteLove the boots that you found too--what an amazing price!! I've been dying for some interesting boots as well (that don't make me a wee bit taller than my boyfriend! hehe!). Now I'm inspired to go hunting... not that I can afford any new boots right now. lol!!
And I can't wait to see the finished knitting project either!!
Hope you're having a lovely Friday!
Cute boots. I have a similar pair but mine are black with a spool heel.
ReplyDeleteI just got the boots today and they are just perfect! I love them so much. Finally I can wear skirts and dresses without having to always wear a pair of heels or flats (which are horrid in the winter snow...) I'm tellin' ya, shoes are everything in a wardrobe. hehe. (I'm such a snob....:)
ReplyDeleteOh and I finished the knitted neckwarmer last night! It turned out exactly the way I had envisioned! Ah, I love it when things like that happen to me. I think I'm going to take a trip to the knitting shop today and pick up some more wool yarn for a sweater. More on that in my next blog post. :)
I agree. Without good shoes, the outfit is ruined. How tall are your boots. Calf high?
ReplyDeleteYep, they're calf-high. I like that they don't go up to my knee. I wore them out today and they were great! Even with this ice storm/snow slush we're getting. I wasn't sure what I'd think about the heels, but they aren't bad at all. I can see myself going about all day in these boots.
ReplyDeleteI'll also note that I'm glad I got a half size larger than I usually wear. It's roomy enough that I could wear a thick pair of wool stockings if I wanted to, but still not bad when I'm wearing a thin pair of cotton stockings.
Oooo - I wish I'd been this inspired a week ago when the handmade gift crunch was on! I'm totally inspired now, though, so I may have to work on some things for myself rather than for gifts...
ReplyDeleteA lovely post full of lovely things!
I love this post! It makes me laugh because I was also attracted to that Sart picture and her cowl like the pip-squeak chapeau one. great minds...
ReplyDeleteThank you! I'm always inspired by so many wonderful blogs out there. It's nice I can be inspiring to a few of you out there as well. :) Happy hand-making!