For a long time I've been saving pictures from the internet when I see something I adore. I love street style blogs. I especially am drawn to blogs from Sweden, such as Stockholm Streetstyle. It's fun, different and it's what people are actually wearing. I never got into runway fashions. I tried, but I could never quite see them like others can. Besides all that, I don't really care a fig what people on the runway are wearing or what is in high fashion. I care what I like and what will show my personality.
I still have a hard time figuring out what ::my:: style actually is. Lately I've found that I really love greys, blacks, browns and tans. (I think it's a cold weather thing.) But those are so boring! I feel like I need a splash of color in there, but I'm not exactly sure how to do that without making myself look...kitsch. (Is that even the word I'm looking for??) Or even worse, teeny-bopper style. I don't want to look like I stepped right out of junior high, but sometimes that's the way I feel when I wear bright or bold colors. I will say that some people can pull off that look. I don't think I can very well. I really love prints and interesting fabric. So when I look for color and variation, I tend to go for the vintage prints. I guess that's because I am a seamstress and fabric is my love. :)Okay, now for some pictures to illustrate...
Gary Graham:
This style is one of those which I'm not sure I could pull off, but I love it nonetheless. The middle dress looks almost like it had been pulled out from the 1890s and updated slightly to fit into the 21st century. I guess the old worn out look of these clothes appeal to me.
nemrešpobjećodnedjel je:

Impulse Seattle:
If I had the funds, pretty much all of my clothes would come from this place. The colors are maybe a little drab, but I really like that. And besides, you can always add color by wearing a pair of bold earrings, bright tights or scarf. These clothes are amazing. Simply put. ;-)

While we're at it, let's talk about shoes. I'm going to say my favorite shoe designer today would have to be Chie Mihara. I think I love her shoes so much because they definitely have a vintage 1920s and '30s look to them. But I also like how she uses bold colors in many of her designs. I definitely think shoes are one of the most important parts of a well dressed person. Without the correct shoes, your carefully put together outfit just won't look right. Shoes are one of the first things I notice on a person. Unfortunately, I can't get myself to shell out the moo it takes to acquire a pair of these gems. So I look for original shoes from the '30s and '40s on eBay and I'm always on the lookout at thrift stores too! Sometimes if I'm lucky I'll find a pair that actually fit my size 8.5 feet. Believe me, it is rare.
Just take a look at these pretties:

Also a love of mine these days are jeans. As simple as that sounds, jeans are a big deal. I am still in love with skinny jeans, as much as everyone hates them these days. I don't think only "skinny" people can pull them off either. But I will say they aren't for everyone. I like them, so I wear them and I don't care what others think. In my opinion "flares" are out. I hate them. They're what I wore in junior high and all through high school. They're finished as far as I'm concerned. But that's just my opinion. ;-) When I look for a pair of jeans there are a few things I will look for: Dark colors such as deep indigo, black, brown or light colors such as grey, but I'll usually go for the darker grey than lighter. I also am not a fan of stone wash jeans right now. But that's just my preference. And I've never been a fan of worn and ripped jeans. There's no point in going to the store to buy a new pair of jeans that are ripped, torn and stonewashed to death. (Now just watch year I'll be sporting a pair of stonewashed jeans...hahaha.) Next I look for how well they fit. I like my jeans well fitted, but not so tight that it looks like I'm going to pop out of them any second. I like to be comfortable, but I like them to fit.
At the moment I'm on the lookout for a pair of high waisted jeans. I like both high waisted skinny jeans and high waisted wide legs, but not TOO wide. The only ones I've seen at the stores are so wide I feel like I could get two pairs of pants out of each leg. geez. Here are a few pairs I am coveting, which of course I will never purchase because the price tag is well over $200. ouch. Wish I could remember the designer for those of you who actually spend that kind of money on jeans...

Oh boy, I feel like there's still so much more to talk about! I guess I'll stop here and write more later. This will give me reason to come back and blog again! I hope this gives you a bit of inspiration for your wardrobes. As for me? I'm still wondering how to incorporate all the different styles I adore so much and how to wear them myself. :)
I love love love the 1890s inspired taffeta dress! Especially the pockets! And I too am on the hunt for high waisted pants - I just love them!