I took a break from work today to make
these awesome crackers from Smitten Kitchen. Only I didn't have heavy cream or half and half, so I just used plain old 1% milk. And I didn't have any freshly grated Parmesan cheese either, so I just used the cheapo stuff we have on hand. And they still taste awesome. One of these days I want to make some goat cheese (next on the list when I have time) which I think will taste great with these crackers.
Okay, this is not much of a sneak peek, but it's something! :) I finished grading my patterns, FINALLY! Next I just need to make up one more sample and I believe I can start cutting everything out and stitching like a sweatshop worker. Woohoo! On that note, what are your thoughts on
Etsy vs.
Big Cartel? After going back and forth for so long, I am actually leaning more towards setting up shop at Big Cartel. In the long run I believe it will be more affordable and I think it has a slightly more professional "storefront" than Etsy. No offense to Etsy users, I still love Etsy! Would love to hear your thoughts!
these guys on Saturday. PSYCHED!
Also, Happy Birthday to my dad! He turned 60 today! No foolin'.
these sandals are still up for sale! size 9. :)