

knitting gifts::

knitting gifts!

knitting xmas gifts.

baking day!

Today I am spending the whole entire day knitting and making gifts. I have some old Christmas and wintery movies picked out, doughnuts rising in the kitchen and a load of yarn to knit up. I'm pretty excited about today! The snow melted, but it still feels pretty cozy in here.

Since I'm in a Christmasy mood today, here's some wintery linkage to share. Happy weekend!


  1. Oooh, I just wrote about how Christmas in Connecticut was one of my favorite holiday movies. However, I didn't know about Remember the Night. I'll have to check that one out. Unfortunately I don't have TCM but I'll try Netflix. Thanks and have a great holiday season!

  2. Ahh nostalgia, indulge as long as you can in these days, at some point you may have kids and then you'll be ecstatic with your two hours of uninterrupted knitting. Enjoy it for all of us Mamas.

  3. Mittens are fun and easy to make. I'm sure yours will be lovely.

  4. those are 2 of my favorite Christmas movies, too! We watched Christmas in Ct. the day after Christmas, just lounging around the house.
