It seems I spoke too soon the other day about the yardsale update. I've added many more items today! I have been cleaning the apartment and I found more things to part with. I am trying to clean out as much as possible before our move. I have even more piles of clothes that are intended for the thrift store. It will feel so good when we finally do move into our new apartment next Fall to start with a clean slate. Well, that is the plan anyway! That, and I am finding out that my style is changing and I am growing out of some of the things I used to like. Perhaps I am just bored of what I have and need a fresh wardrobe. I am slowly going through each item and if I don't absolutely love it or find it a necessity, then I try to get rid of it and replace it with something that fits better in my wardrobe. Otherwise I have piles of clothes that take up too much space in my tiny closet. Sorry to be a bother again with my constant yardsales! I hope to have a lot better content on this blog this summer. I have a few projects I am excited to work on over the summer. Before long, Fall will be here (my favorite time of year)!
fabric for sale and other yardsale goods..
I added a few more items to my yardsale shop! This time some floral linen fabric, black flats and a denim sample skirt from the fall/winter collection. Also reduced prices on a few previous items. Please take a look if you are interested! xoxo
: : : Y A R D S A L E : : :
spring/summer 2013 preview

I'm making several different tops and dresses for the shop (along with a lighter denim skirt). I'm still working on a few more things and then I can take pictures of everything and update the shop. It has taken a little longer this year, but I'm not going to stress over it. We are planning a big move at the end of the summer so I have a lot to do between now and then! I hope to gradually update the shop with new items throughout the summer months. I don't have a definite date yet to open shop for the spring/summer items, but...soon! Enjoy this little preview until then! xo
lately on instagram
Spring is finally here and I am loving it! I've been inspired to sew with lots of different pretty floral fabrics lately. I am so close to finishing some new spring items for the shop. Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll update the shop and show you everything I've been working on. In the meantime, you will notice I've shared some sneak peeks on instagram. I also managed to make a little spring top for myself to wear, just in time for an afternoon at the botanic gardens! xo
the yardsale continues... {sold}
I found more things in my closet! I splurged a bit the other day on a few spring wardrobe staples, so I decided to clean out a few more things from my closet. Let me know if you are interested in anything! I will probably continue to update the yardsale as I keep finding things I don't wear anymore! And I'm trying to really only keep things I actually wear. Hope you enjoy the new selection! xo